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About Us

Our Time is Your Time

Doctor Examining Pregnant Woman
Woman & Doctor
Nursing Newborn
Patient and Nurse

     The idea for After Ours OB/GYN and Urgent Care for Women was born out of complaints we hear too often from patients.  So many patients neglect their own health and have too many excuses as to why: “There isn’t enough time in the day”, “I don’t want to use my sick time or vacation time to come for my check-ups”, “My doctor is always so booked up”, “I don’t have time to sit in that waiting room for hours”, “I’m just too busy”. We quickly realized that all these patients were absolutely right. The healthcare system has been failing to meet us where we are. We decided to change this.

     What if our health care made itself available to us, instead of expecting us to rearrange our lives for our health care?  This is how After Ours OB/GYN was born.  There should be an option for women’s healthcare that was available after our jobs are done, after our classes are taught, after our carpools are run, after our groceries are bought, after our children are settled, after our families are fed, and after our daily tasks are finished.  We are committed to being there for women when the others are closing their doors, but we also wanted to take it further.

     Women are unique, and their health care needs are unique as well.  All too often, something happens that needs to be addressed urgently. If a patient calls their OB/GYN with an urgent problem, they are often told to “go to the ER” or “go to urgent care” because there are no available appointment times or it is simply too late in the day. No woman wants to take their gynecology problems, pregnancy concerns, or urgent care needs to a provider who is not in-tune to their issues or not well-trained in obstetrics and gynecology. Thus, After Ours OB/GYN and Urgent Care for Women was created to fill this void in women’s health care.

     So many OB/GYN offices use the same model of a large central office located at a hospital. This makes for large, crowded waiting rooms, difficulties finding convenient parking, confusion navigating large hospitals, and often long patient wait times.  Some offer ‘satellite’ offices that are located far from the hospitals but offer limited hours or services. After Ours OB/GYN has three convenient locations that are near you with a fourth location coming very soon. All locations have a full array of OB/GYN services, dedicated providers at each location, convenient front-door parking, and hours that fit your busy lifestyle.

     Our hope is that you will come and let us show you the difference in our model.  We think that you will find us to be knowledgeable and convenient. The next time you have an issue arise and are told that there isn’t any availability, are made to wait a long time before you can schedule a routine appointment, are embarrassed about going to an ER or urgent care clinic for your unique problems, or are sitting for an excessively long time in an OB/GYN waiting room, that you will think of After Ours OB/GYN and Urgent Care for Women.  What are you waiting for?

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